Recently a friend asked me how she could pray for me. My response was, “Pray that I will stay attentive to the Lord. Pray that I would listen to Him, not the world around me.”
The world tells me success is found in making money and achieving status in the eyes of others.
God tells me success is obeying Him and living to please an audience of One.
The world tells me it’s all about me — my comfort and my desires.
God tells me it’s not about me; it’s about Him.
The world tells me outer beauty is what counts.
God tells me inner beauty is most important.
The world tells me the Bible is irrelevant today. The times and culture have changed, and God’s Word doesn’t apply to our world today.
God tells me His Word is everlasting and never changes. His principles still apply today.
The world tells me if there is a God and if He loves me, He wouldn’t allow difficult things to happen in my life.
God tells me He loves me even when hard times come. He uses those hard things for good, even though I may not be able to understand how until I see Him face to face.
The world tells me I can do things on my own strength. I don’t need God’s help.
God tells me I’m not able to do it on my own. I have to draw from His strength, not mine.
It’s easy to listen to the world and forget God’s truth at times.
What hinders us from listening to God and being attentive to Him?
- No times of silence
We like constant noise around us. We are often uncomfortable with silence, but if we don’t shut out the noise around us, how can we be attentive to His promptings through the Holy Spirit?
- No time alone with Him
If we don’t stop to spend time alone with Him consistently, we don’t give Him the opportunity to direct us through His Word and prayer.
- No sense of need for Him
When we’re confident in our own abilities, and life is going smoothly, it’s easy to lose that desperate dependence on Him. But even when life is going great, we still need Him. We still need to seek His direction and strength and protection.
David’s prayer in Psalm 25:4-5 expresses my heart’s desire:
“Make me know Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You, I wait all the day.”
I’d love to hear from you! What helps you be attentive to God and enables you to tune out the world?
Since God is the only One who will lead me on the right path with a pure heart, I must seek to know Him and hear Him through His Holy Word. I must be honest and talk with Him about everything. If I want to listen to the world’s view for me and my life, then I have to do nothing.Those voices will come and overwhelm me. I will then be stuck, as if I’m in quicksand and I will make no progress. I have a choice, and it’s a daily choice.
Cherry, thanks for sharing. A great reminder that it’s a choice and we have to be intentional about it. Thanks!
Crickett, thank you for sharing all wonderful reminders of what God’s word says opposed to what the world tries to tell us. It is a great reminder to keep our eyes on what matters.
What keeps me attentive to God is the overwhelming feeling that I am lost on my own. Having tragic losses in my life has made me cling to Him like I never had before. It brought me to a place where I couldn’t listen to the world, where I knew I did not have the strength on my own. Sometimes He does that to us, if we are willing to listen to Him.
Would I change things in my life if I could? Even though I miss my husband and my dad, I know they are in Heaven and I will see them again, so no. I would not deny them what they are experiencing now, and I have a much closer relationship with my Savior than I ever had. This is what keeps me in His word every day.
Again, beautiful post. Thank you.
Patty, thank you so much for sharing! I love your transparency and honesty.
Good words! I resonate with this: “The world tells me success is found in making money and achieving status in the eyes of others. God tells me success is obeying Him and living to please an audience of One.” This is especially important for writers, I think! At least, it’s important for me!
Heather, I agree with you about God’s view of success – especially for writers. God may never want my Bible studies to go further than my women here at FEC. And that’s success in God’s eyes because that’s what He wants for me. And my blog may never have 1000 followers (failure in the eyes of publishers), but if a blog post touches one person, it’s success in God’s eyes. I have to remind myself Who it is I want to please. Thanks for sharing! wish you were coming to Blue Ridge this year.
Crickett, I need reminders like this post. We are flesh and struggle with the desire for fleshly things. But we must not forget, we are spiritual beings and our flesh houses the Holy Spirit who teaches us to rely on Him,not ourselves or the world.
Thanks for sharing, Beckie! I need these reminders every day!
Excellent contrasts of what the world is loudly speaking at our hearts vs. what God is speaking gently into our souls. We must listen intently to His voice. Through practice and experience, I’ve learned the voice of the Spirit can be louder than the world’s if I’m intentionally listening for Him, soaking in His Word and pouring myself into others. God doesn’t play hide-n-seek with us. He is with us everywhere we go, speaking Truth into us. “Pray without ceasing” doesn’t mean we do all the talking. It means we must also be still and listen. Thank you for this post.
Melanie, thanks for sharing! It’s so important for us to listen to the right voice. I love what you said – “God doesn’t play hide-n-seek with us.” Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!