Can Women Speak in Church?

This past Monday night I spoke to a group of women on some of the difficult passages in the New Testament concerning women and the church. One of the issues that we addressed was the issue of women being told to keep silent in the church. Paul talked about this in 1...

Are You Covering Your Head?

As I have been preparing to teach on the role of women in the church in a few weeks, I’ve been looking at some of the New Testament passages that deal with women in the church. Recently, I was asked if we women should wear head coverings to church in accordance...

Afraid to Disciple?

How would you respond if someone asked you to disciple her? Would you be excited and shout, “YES!” or would it strike fear in your heart? What would I do with her? Where would I begin? I don’t even know what that means. One of the questions I am often asked as the...

Why, God?

We’ve probably all asked God “why” questions. Questions like: God, why did you take my baby? Why did this tragic accident happen to such good people? Why do you let people die in the prime of their lives? Why do you let this person will no quality of life linger on?...

Life and Death

I’ve been thinking a lot about death lately. No, I’m not being morbid. But in the past two years, I have attended quite a few funerals and visitations for those who have gone home to be with the Lord. Some of these are parents of friends – parents who lived a...
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