How To Pray by Listening

How To Pray by Listening

How would you describe your time in prayer? Do you do most of the talking, or is there a balance with listening? When we hear the words pray or prayer, we tend to think of speaking, not listening. When we pray, we talk to God, ask for things on our hearts, and express...
How to Say No to Worry

How to Say No to Worry

Have you been worried about anything lately? I have. We all struggle with worry and anxiety from time to time. The causes of worry vary—illness, financial struggles, relationship issues, decisions about the future, children/parents. The list goes on. So how are we to...
An “Only God” Moment

An “Only God” Moment

When was the last time you saw God do something that only He could do? This past weekend I was in Dallas for a book signing and to see old friends. It was a packed weekend, but every moment was rich. Sunday afternoon a major storm descended on Dallas—dark skies,...
4 Hindrances to a Healthy Prayer Life

4 Hindrances to a Healthy Prayer Life

How would you describe your prayer life? Vibrant? Dry? A ritual? A sweet time of communion with the Lord? For some, prayer has become nothing more than a routine ritual they go through out of a sense of obligation. But Jesus saw prayer as a necessity, not an...
Drawing Strength From the Psalms

Drawing Strength From the Psalms

When I ask someone what they’re reading in their Quiet Times, especially when they’re not in a structured study, I often get the response, “I’m spending time in the Psalms.” I think we’re drawn to the Psalms because we can see ourselves in the words expressed by the...
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