Getting to Know God

Getting to Know God

How would you describe your relationship with God? Are you satisfied with how well you know Him or do you desire to know Him more? Here are a few suggestions to help you in your pursuit of knowing God more intimately. Spend time in His Word consistently. His Word...
Deepening Your Prayer Life

Deepening Your Prayer Life

To be honest, most of us would probably admit that our prayer life isn’t what we’d like it to be. I look at Paul’s prayers in the New Testament and realize how shallow my prayers are in comparison. I’ve started praying through his prayers for others in my time...

Quiet Time With God

In the midst of a hectic, busy world, we need to find time each day to slow down and meet with God. I’ve had people ask, “What do I do in a quiet time alone with God?” It’s a great question. When I was a junior at LSU, Bonnie (my discipler) took me with her one...

Spending Time Alone With God

Devotional times or “quiet times” are vital to our spiritual growth. Seek to spend time alone with the Lord each day in His Word and in prayer. There is no one way to do it, and the method may change from day to day and in different seasons of life. The important...
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