If you read my post, Life’s Ups and Downs, you know that I had to recently put my sweet 11-year-old cat, Little Bit, to sleep because of a sudden blood clot one night. Even though it’s been seven weeks, I still miss her greatly.
One of the things I have pondered since that night is the question of what happened to Little Bit after her death. Do animals just cease to exist once they die, or does God have a special place for them in heaven with Him? Will we be reunited one day?
I’ll be the first to admit that I hope Little Bit is romping in heaven with Jesus, but I have no assurance that is the case. I’ve heard arguments on both sides – why animals are in heaven, and why they cease to exist after their death. It breaks my heart to think that Little Bit’s existence is over. But, to be honest, there is no Scripture that tells us specifically what happens to animals once they die. I have no assurance from God’s Word concerning “life after death” for an animal, as much as I wish I did.
However, we do have assurance of salvation as believers. We can know without a doubt where we will spend eternity. Assurance of salvation is an essential part of building a strong foundation for a believer’s spiritual growth.
If you don’t have that assurance, then every time you sin or struggle in your walk with God or don’t feel God’s presence, you will question your salvation. Your assurance is not based on what you do day after day or how you feel, but it is based on God’s Word and what He has done for you. Feelings will come and go, and you can’t base your salvation on your feelings. But you can be assured of your salvation because of what God’s Word says. It is trustworthy and true.
Each person has a different personal testimony. Some of you came to Christ at an early age, while others came to Christ later in life. Some of you can remember the specific day and time you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. Others of you cannot pinpoint a day or time, but you know, without a doubt, that you’re a believer because of the spiritual fruit in your life and the working of the Holy Spirit in you.
On the Resources page of my website, I have posted some tools for your spiritual toolbox to help you build the foundation of assurance of salvation. One is a handout that you can use as you go through assurance of salvation with someone. The other tool is a short Bible study to take others through to give them assurance.
I encourage you to go through the study yourself for review and then to use it with someone you’re discipling or someone who needs assurance.
I don’t know where Little Bit is today or if her existence is over. But I do know where those of us who have placed our faith in Jesus Christ as Savior will spend eternity. “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13, NASB 95). Thank you, Lord, for giving us that assurance.
Once you are biblically born again your eternal salvation is sealed! You are bound for Heaven and you’re sure to get there! See John 10:27-29
But the thing most Christians don’t understand is that:
Salvation Comes in Threes.
There are three levels to salvation, each affecting a different part of your being at a different time and in a different way.
The Three Levels of Salvation are:
(1) The Regeneration of the Spirit –
The Bible says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you…” Eze 36:26
(2) The Restoration of the Soul (mind) –
The Bible says, “…Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.” James 1:21
(3) The Transfiguration of the Body –
The Bible says, “…Waiting for the time when we will take our place as sons, that is, the salvation of our bodies.” Rom 8:23 (Bible in Basic English)
In strictly biblical terms we call them:
(1) Justification
(2) Sanctification
(3) Glorification
For more info visit: http://www.3LevelsOfSalvation.com