Last Monday I celebrated a “milestone” birthday. You know – the milestone birthdays are the ones with a zero at the end. I have to admit that it is sobering to realize I have lived over half my life on this earth. I want to finish well.



My day started off with a surprise. My assistant greeted me at the church Monday morning with a wheelchair and “rolled” me down to the All-Staff meeting, where they had planned a birthday breakfast. Now everybody at work knows how old I am . . .

I decided last year that this birthday needed to be fun, so I planned a “little old ladies” party. Everyone was to dress up like we’ll look when we’re 80-90 years old, living together in an assisted living. I was so looking forward to seeing all the creative ideas and dress. I wanted us to do chair exercise and play bingo, just to get some practice before we really move into assisted living some day.


Two friends decided they would host this party, complete with invitations. So the day came, and I was so excited. I had been planning my outfit for awhile, and couldn’t wait to see how everyone would dress. I was chuckling all the way there.


When I drove up to the home, I noticed three of my friends walking into the house dressed normally. My initial response was, “Well, they’re a bunch of fuddy-duddies! They didn’t dress up.”



But when I walked in the door, I was in for a big surprise . . .  no one was dressed in “little old lady” clothes, but me. These two friends had pulled a practical joke on me for my birthday, and included with the invitation the details of how not to dress! Walking in with my “bed-hair,” Kleenex hanging out of every pocket and spot that would hold one, and my mom’s SAS shoes, with hose rolled down, I was a little (alot) embarrassed.






However, the night ended up being filled with laughter as they “roasted” me in song, dance, and words.





I got into character, occasionally leaning over to my 30-year old friend, asking, “What did she say???” It’s good to have young friends, friends of all ages, so there will be someone left to come to your funeral. 🙂


I ended this special day thanking God for good friends and for life and laughter.

Life throws us surprises all the time. We can either pout and get angry, or we can “roll with the punches” and make the best of it. After the initial shock of being the only “little old lady” there Monday night, I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and crawled into bed that night with a warm heart and big smile.

A good friend told me last week, “Count your blessings; not your years.” God has truly blessed me, and I pray that my next _0 years will be just as rich as these first _0 years.

But for my next “milestone” birthday, you are going to dress up like “little old ladies”!

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