What does your to-do list look like today?

We are all busy, and we frantically try to fit everything on our to-do list into 24 hours. I mentioned in my last blog post that we have to set priorities in order to manage our time well. In the next few posts I want to address some wrong perspectives we often develop in managing our time.

One wrong perspective is that hurrying buys me more time.

John Ortburg wrote a book about spiritual disciplines, titled The Life You’ve Always Wanted. I highly recommend this book. He writes in the chapter titled, An Unhurried Life: The Practice of Slowing:

 “Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day … For many of us the great danger is not that we will renounce our faith. It is that we will become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied that we will settle for a mediocre version of it. We will just skim our lives instead of actually living them… We suffer from what has come to be known as ‘hurry sickness.’ One of the great illusions of our day is that hurrying will buy us more time…”

So we hurry, we drive faster, we eat faster, we talk faster, we cook faster, we move faster, thinking that if we hurry, we’ll have more time. But hurrying is not going to buy us more time – it just wears us out as we try to fit more and more into less and less time.

John Ortburg goes on to say, “Hurry is not just a disordered schedule. Hurry is a disordered heart.” What do you think he means by that?

Do you suffer from “hurry sickness”? If so, stop hurrying. Practice the discipline of slowing. Take time to relax and enjoy God and the things that really matter in light of eternity. Don’t “skim your life.” Live it the way God intended.

I’d love to hear from you how you practice the discipline of “slowing” and make yourself slow down.


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