For me, this has been a year of ups and downs, but God has drawn me closer to Him through each situation He has brought into my life. As we come to the end of another calendar year, I encourage you to reflect over the past twelve months.

What has God taught you this year?

How has He changed your life?

Are you growing in your relationship with the Lord, or are you becoming stagnant and settling for status quo?

Are you pressing on in your journey of faith regardless of the obstacles and struggles that you may be facing, or are you becoming discouraged?

I always take some time at the end of the December and read back through my journals from the year, thanking God for all He has done. Then I write down areas in which I’d like to see God work in my life, things I’d like to pursue,  things I’d like to accomplish. I think through where I am in my walk with God and where I want to be. What needs to be done in order to get there?

I encourage you to take some time and reflect on this past year and set some realistic and helpful goals for the coming year. May this be a year of spiritual growth for all of us.

Happy New Year!

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