Do you have an accountability partner?

Is there someone in your life to whom you are accountable? Do you have someone who will ask you honest questions about your walk with God? We all need accountability in some form.

One of the girls I was discipling several years ago was engaged, and she asked me to hold her accountable to the purity of their relationship before they got married. I asked what kinds of questions she wanted me to ask. Her response was, “It doesn’t matter. Just knowing you’re going to ask me about my physical relationship with my husband-to-be is enough to keep me pure.”


For her, it was enough to know that I would look her in the eye and ask her every week if they had displeased the Lord in any way. She knew she wouldn’t be able to hide it.

Accountability is not meant to bind us, but to keep us on the right path and spur us on.  

  • Accountability requires a willingness to be completely honest with someone, even if it’s embarrassing to tell the truth.
  • Accountability requires a willingness to let your guard down with someone.
  • Accountability requires a willingness to be non-defensive and teachable.
  • Accountability needs to take place in the context of a friendship or discipleship relationship.

A few years ago, my small group came up with a list of questions we wanted to hold each other accountable to. Every week we’d ask these questions to one another. We actually printed the questions on a card and laminated them to help us keep up with them.

These are some of the questions on our accountability cards:

1. What is something you learned about God this week in your Quiet Times?

2. What is something you learned from the Word this week and how have you applied it?

3. Have you been consistent in your times with the Lord? If not, how can I help you?

4. Is there any area in which you’re struggling this week? How can I pray for you?

5. Have your relationships with others (male and female) glorified God this week or disappointed Him?

6. Have you watched or read anything this week that has affected your thought life in a negative way?

7. Have you lied to or been dishonest with anyone this week?

8. Have you lied to me about any of these questions?

If you’re discipling someone, ask them how they want you to hold them accountable. Come up with some questions together, or use some of the questions above. We all need to be willing to be asked these questions, and sometimes it may be even be by the one we’re discipling. I have personally found that having someone ask me questions like these on a regular basis keeps me from straying off God’s path.

What are some accountability questions you would add to the list?

If you’re looking for resources to use in a discipleship relationship, check out Building Your Spiritual Toolbox, Book 1 and Book 2, available on Amazon.

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