Your Life3Are you happy with the script God has written for your life?

This week I was reading Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ devotional book, The Quiet Place. Her words on April 27 have stayed with me all week. I’ve been thinking about her questions and, as a result, have had some sweet, honest, intimate times with the Lord.

She reminded me in this devotion that life doesn’t always go the way I envision it. I don’t always see the happy endings or miracle healings or answers to prayer in the way I had hoped He would answer. Here’s an excerpt from her devotion:

“Sometimes the ways of God in our lives seem inconsistent with what we read in His Word… That’s because we can’t see the whole story – and, we think the story is all about us… But this is God’s story He is writing and unfolding – His grand epic of redemption – and He is calling us to play a bit part, to participate in spreading His glory throughout the whole earth…  Are you willing to play the part He has written for you in His script? Are you willing to be delayed, upset, or inconvenienced for it?”

Ouch! Those words stung when I first read them. I stopped to think how I would have written the script for my life if I were the author:

  • I would be married to a wonderful, godly man and have three beautiful kids, and lots of grandkids – all healthy of course. And no problem children! Instead, God gave me the role of singleness.
  • I would be independently wealthy so that I wouldn’t have to work full time and would have freedom to do things I want to do but have no time to. Instead, because I’m single, I need a full-time job to pay the bills.
  • My mom would have gone home to be with the Lord in her sleep before she lost quality of life. Instead, it’s been painful to watch my mom slowly decline over the past year and a half and lose her ability to communicate or express her thoughts.

I could go on and on with a list of things that I would have put into the script for my life if I were writing it, but you get the idea. I think we’d all rewrite the script while we’re in the middle of something. But one day we’ll understand why God wrote the script for us the way He did, and we wouldn’t change one thing.

As Nancy Leigh DeMoss wrote, “Because when the story has all been told, you will be able to sit back in your heavenly theater seat and see exactly how your one ‘simple’ story line made perfect sense and contributed to the overall plot. You’ll know that He had a deliberate purpose for everything. And you’ll understand that God’s will is exactly what we would choose if we knew what He knows.”

Would I have written a different script for my life had I been the author? Probably yes. But looking back at the script God has written for my life up to now, I realize I wouldn’t change anything. He has used these roles in my life to draw me into a deeper intimacy with Him that I’m not sure I would have experienced had He written it any other way.

How would you want to rewrite God’s script for your life if you could? Can you thank Him for the way He has written out your roles, and can you trust Him that your part is perfect in His bigger story?

Psalm 139:16 – “Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.”

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