To whom or what are you devoted?
This past Sunday, I challenged the women at my church to an undivided devotion – a devotion for Christ, unparalleled by any earthly devotion. But how do we develop and maintain an undivided devotion for God?
I used the word devotion as an acrostic to give us some key words to keep in mind as we pursue an undivided devotion.
D – Distractions
What are the distractions in my life that are hindering me from a wholehearted devotion to God or have the potential to do so? Push them aside.
E – Exaltation
Am I exalting God and worshiping Him every day? Or am I exalting someone or something else in His place? One of the best things I can do to keep my heart focused on Him is to exalt and worship Him every day.
V – Voice
Whose voice am I listening to? Am I listening to what the world is telling me, what Satan is whispering to me, or what God is speaking to me through His Word?
O – Obedience
Am I being obedient to His Word, to His commands, to His leading? Am I doing what He wants, or what I want?
T – Trust
Do I trust what God is doing with and in my life? Do I trust that He loves me, that He knows what He’s doing, that He has a purpose for everything He allows in my life, and that He has my best interest at heart?
I – Idolatry
Are there any idols in my life – things I look to for satisfaction that take the place of God in my life? Tim Keller, in his book Counterfeit Gods, defines an idol as “anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.” What would devastate you if God removed it from your life? That might be a good indication it’s become an idol.
O – Offering
Am I willing to offer all of myself to Him, including everything He’s given me and all my dreams? Am I willing to give Him every area and allow Him to use me as He chooses? Will I pursue what I want or what He wants for me?
N- Nearness
If I’m going to have undivided devotion, I have to draw near to God. Am I spending consistent time with Him, and not letting other things get in the way? Am I giving Him my undivided attention when I’m with Him?
I started an “Undivided Devotion” journal this week. At the top of each page I wrote a keyword to focus on from the acrostic. And then journaled about it. Each day, I focus on a different keyword, and journal my thoughts and my answers to the questions above.
My prayer is from Psalm 86:11 – “Give me an undivided heart, that I might fear Your name.” Will you join me in pursuing an undivided devotion for God?
Crickett, I love this. I pray 1 Chronicles 28:9 And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.” King David certainly was a man after Gods heart.
Cherrilynn, I love that 1 Chronicles 28 verse. I was surprised at how many verses in the OT talk about a whole heart or wholehearted devotion – obviously important to God. Thanks for sharing this verse!
Acrostics are useful tools to help us remember. Thanks for creating this one. I love your journal idea as well. It’s so encouraging and uplifting to learn new ways to grow spiritually from other women who are chasing after God’s heart too!
Beckie from Spotlight,
Beckie, the older I get, the more help I need in remembering things, so the acrostic helps me remember :). Thanks for your encouragement!
Great acrostic. I like your idea of the devotion journal–that would be a good way to put these concepts into practice.
Leigh, the journal has helped me stay focused on these concepts. Thanks for sharing!