I vividly remember where I was on the morning of September 11, 2001, when I heard the news of the terrorist attacks in New York City. The events that happened that day will forever stay etched in my memory. So many feelings and emotions swept over me that day and in the days to follow—anger, fear, insecurity, doubt.
Here is an excerpt of what I wrote in my journal on September 13, 2001:
“Lord, thank you that you are in control. Thank you that even though it seems like our world has fallen apart, You are the stability of our times. When all around us is falling to the ground, You are the one constant in our lives. Thank You. You are already using this to show us that our security lies in You alone—not in our safety as a nation or wealth or prosperity. In You.”
Twenty years have passed since that tragedy rocked our world here in the United States. We still mourn the lives lost on that day. And today, in 2021, we still live in a world that seems out of control. Innocent victims suffer at the hands of the ruthless, a virus is turning our world upside down, we’re divided as a nation (even in our churches and families). It can feel like evil is winning. We are tempted to question God. Where are You? Why are you allowing this to happen? Are You still in control?
The one thing that gave me hope on September 11, 2001, is the same thing that gives me hope today in 2021. God is still sovereign. He has never lost control, no matter how bad things may seem. We don’t understand why things happen as they do, but God knows why. He is still on the throne.
Psalm 37 is a great reminder of the sovereignty of God when evil seems to be winning. Take some time today to read through this Psalm.
I pray we never see another day like September 11, 2001. But if we do, God is still on the throne.
Where were you when you heard what was happening on September 11, 2001?