It’s almost 2022! No one knows what 2022 holds for us except God. 2020 and 2021 have been hard—adjusting to life with Covid, political division, even division within our churches and families over issues. I thought Covid would be in the past when we got to this day at the end of 2021, but it’s still impacting our daily lives. But as unsettling as life may seem some days, I find strength in knowing God is still on the throne. He knows the plan and how He’s going to use all of this to accomplish His purpose in our lives.

I usually come up with a word for the year, but this year, I think my word is my “life word:” Trust. And my life verse is Isaiah 26:3–4: “The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because He trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for in God the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.” 

Another word I want to focus on this year is also from the verse above: Peace. With everything going on in our world these days, I often find myself worried and anxious, but I want peace in my heart. That peace comes from keeping my mind steadfast on the Lord, not the circumstances. I also long for peace among us—in our churches, in our country, in our world. He alone is the source of perfect peace.

I want to wish you all a Happy New Year. God knows what’s ahead, and I pray we would find our strength in God for every day and every situation we may face.

What is your word for 2022 (or your life word)? What verse do you cling to in these unsettling days?

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