by Crickett | Oct 4, 2018 | Devotional
Guest Post by Cathy Baker (I met Cathy several years ago at the Blue Ridge Christian Writer’s Conference, and I love her heart and her writing! I know you will too.) Ice cream has always been my downfall. Not just any ice cream, mind you. It must include sweet...
by Crickett | Oct 12, 2017 | Books, Time Alone With God
I want to introduce you to my friend and author, Cathy Baker. The more I get to know Cathy, the more I love her, and you will, too. She has just published her second short devotional book for vacations — this time for a vacation in the mountains. I have so...
by Crickett | Apr 27, 2017 | Books, Devotional, Time Alone With God
Are you planning a trip to the beach this year? Would you like to head home from your beach vacation with more than sandy particles in your sandals? Do you long to engage the presence of God in fresh, creative ways even while basking in the sun? If so, I want...