prayerI’ve been asked on several occasions if a Christian can commit suicide. The answer is yes. I have personally known two Christians who committed suicide, and there is no question about their salvation. Both suffered from severe depression, and it led them to despair. Both were vibrant in their faith and made a positive impact in the lives of others, including mine.

Some Christians feel strongly that a true believer cannot commit suicide. If he does, then he was never truly a believer. I disagree with this view because there is no scriptural evidence to support that claim.

Some maintain that if a Christian takes his own life, he loses his salvation. “They didn’t have a chance to confess and repent.” Their salvation is not based on confession; their salvation is based on the blood of Jesus Christ. If they have accepted His payment for their sins on the cross, their salvation is certain. They are forgiven through the blood of Christ.

Confession doesn’t save us; it restores broken fellowship with God. At the point of death, that fellowship is restored face to face.

Are there any examples in the Bible of a believer who committed suicide? Not in the New Testament (Judas wasn’t a believer). In the Old Testament there is the suicide of King Saul who fell on his own sword, but it is not certain that Saul was a believer.

Believers don’t lose their salvation because of suicide. Yes, it is  sin, but it’s no worse than adultery or murder. King David committed both; yet we are certain of his salvation.

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin, including suicide.  Ephesians 1:7-8 reminds us of that. “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished upon us.”


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