by Crickett | Jul 6, 2017 | Devotional, Favorites
As I pulled into my driveway yesterday, I was amazed at how large the tree in my front yard has grown since I moved here 12 years ago. At that time, the tree was tiny and seemed out of place in the middle of a big yard. At one point, I even asked my yard guy to cut it...
by Crickett | Sep 3, 2015 | Devotional, Prayer
Recently I’ve been using one of Paul’s prayers (Colossians 1:9-12) to guide me in praying for the women (and now, the men) in my church. Perhaps there’s someone you can pray these six things for. 1. Spiritual discernment (v. 9) “. . . that you may be filled with the...
by Crickett | Oct 17, 2013 | Answering Difficult Questions, Discipleship
As I have discipled women, a number of questions come up concerning assurance of salvation. One question I’ve been asked is, “Does Christ need to be Lord of my life in order to be my Savior?” There are two main views concerning this question. 1. Lordship...