A Morning Prayer

A Morning Prayer

The last few months have left me speechless. That’s why I haven’t posted a new blog post in a while—I haven’t known what to say or how to put my emotions into words. 2020 will definitely be a year we will remember, and not necessarily with fond memories. First came...
The Impact of Fear

The Impact of Fear

Last night my cat Hannah got herself into a challenging predicament and panicked. She jumped on the top of the TV armoire in my den, which almost reaches the ceiling. She had watched Hobson (my other cat) jump up there many times, and I’m sure she thought it would be...
When Your World is Rocked

When Your World is Rocked

“Your world is going to be rocked today,” I explained to my two kitties this past Monday morning. “You’re not going to like what’s about to happen, and it will stress you. Just know that the coming discomfort is temporary, and I will be with you through this....
When It’s Hard to Trust

When It’s Hard to Trust

As you look back over your life, has it turned out as you had hoped it would? Did God follow the script you would have written for your life? He didn’t for me. If He had followed my script, I would be married. I would have children and grandchildren. We’d never...
The Inevitability of Disappointment

The Inevitability of Disappointment

  One thing is certain—we are going to face disappointment in life. It may be a rejection, a failed relationship, not getting that dream job or dream ________. Disappointment is inevitable in life. How do we deal with disappointment when it comes, and how can we...
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